Wednesday, April 25, 2012

More and more robotic...

Today I had my first mini blast of radiation to prep for my "for real" blast tomorrow.  It was super easy.  I feel like my leg already feels a tiny bit better, although I'm sure it's all in my head.  Whatever it is, I'll take it.  To help me continue looking more and more like a robot, this was drawn on me:
Not the cutest picture ever taken, but this blog is supposed to be real, right?  If you look closely you can see a little red mark under and to the right of my knee cap - that was where they dug through my leg layers and punched into the bone to get the biopsy that first detected lymphoma.  Creepy.  Surprisingly doesn't look that bad now.

Radiation is so crazy specific, which I'm thankful for.  They have those little nasty tumors lined up perfectly so that the lasers can kill them without mercy.  When I'm laying on the machine I want to make little shooting noises in my head and imagine the tumors crying out pathetically "We're sorry!  Boooohoooooo!"  Take that losers!

Last night I finally got some decent sleep!  Danny set me up in the guest room -  he even gave me the fluffly white down comforter that he loves to sleep under AND took the cats.  Heaven.  I slept from midnight to 6am solid!  YIPPEE!  I feel like a whole new woman!  It probably had to do with the 3 Ibuprofens, 2 Lor-tabs, and 1 nausea pill that I took, but I don't even care.  I woke up at 6 to take another Lor-tab and nausea pill, which gave me another couple hours.  It was great.  And our guest bed is AMAZINGLY comfortable!  You should definitely come and try it out sometime.  :)

In other awesome news, I got this incredible package yesterday which had like 100 little pieces of paper thrown inside.  On each piece of paper were written the words "Kick cancer's ass!"  It must have taken forever to do, but gosh did we love it!  It's exciting to be part of some great impending accomplishment.  And kicking cancer's ass would be a great accomplishment in my book.  So that's the goal.  Thank you so much to all of you guys out there who have rallied behind me and spurred me on to believe that facing this is not only possible, but a great adventure wherein I turn out to be the hero!  Well, I guess God is pretty much the hero but you know what I mean.  That reminds me of this time I was an intern at a Young Life camp and we had a full day of fun, Amazing Race style.  Well my team won, no big deal, and at the end we had this awesome group picture on the top of a mountain.  And I thought it would be awesome for everyone to say "victorious!!" instead of "cheese" for the shot.  There was some miscommunication and the picture pretty much has everyone looking confused except for me - I'm standing on a bench, looking at the sky, pumping my fists in the air, sporting an incredibly triumphant smile.  Well, maybe you had to be there, but it was funny.  Best day ever.  (Can anyone who was there attest to this being a funny memory?)

Well, since no one probably understood my last little aside, this seems like a pretty pathetic ending to the post for today.  But there's always tomorrow.  VICTORIOUS!!!


  1. VICTORIOUS indeed:) I loved this post. And I love you. Keep kicking cancer's derriere. Not even cancer can separate you from God's love. Jada

  2. Googled "victorious robot." It exists!

  3. Yes!! You go ahead and "kill" the cancer cells with your words and thoughts. "Get thee behind me Satan!" is the daily mantra. Love from Aunt Barbara

  4. Kick Cancer's Ass and if anyone wants to take your picture for sure say, "VICTORIOUS" and remind them of who you are: Naomi, Child of GOD!
    God is on your side.... undoubtedly.
