Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The port

Ok, so Tuesday morning I got my port installed.  We had to be there at 6am (because evidentally the port wasn't punishment enough).  Thank goodness Danny has a lot of schoolwork and stuudying to do all of the time because he has to spend hours upon hours waiting for me in doctor's offices.  Anyway, the procedure went well - it only took about a half hour and then another half hour for me to wake up from the anesthesia.  I felt a little bit out of it, but not as bad as when they biopsied my leg.  Then Danny and I had to drive down the street to another office so that they could x-ray my chest and make sure everything was in the right place.  Of course, everything is made more difficult because I can't put weight on my leg and I feel sick from the anesthesia, so Danny is trying to manuever me in a wheelchair to the right spot while I hold my crutches and my vomit back.  But in the end we got everything done (a huge thank you to the kind receptionist who took pity on me and gave me some sprite and a cool moist towel to put on my neck).

Once home, I slept.  For ever.  The medicine they gave me for pain is Hydrocodone or "Lor-tab" (that's the cool street name).  I tried taking them in the past, but they made me feel more sick, so then they prescribed this other medicine for nausea to take before I take the pain meds.  It's all very confusing.  Danny says that he thinks I'm allergic to feeling better.  Both of these meds make me drowsy, so I literally would sleep for 3 hours, go to the bathroom, get something little to eat, take the first med, wait 15 mins, take the second med, and repeat.  Around 8pm I got up and took a little leg bath (can't get the port wet yet) and that was wonderful.  BATHS ARE AMAZING AND SOLVE ALMOST ALL PROBLEMS.  I've continued pretty much on my strict sleep schedule up until now.  I switched over to Ibuprofen, my med of choice, so that I can work tomorrow and not feel stupid sleepy.  I also have the big cancer appointment tomorrow at 9:15 to discuss what exactly I have, where it is, what stage it is, what the treatment will be, and when it will start.  We are all holding our breath to see what he will say.  I'm personally praying that he is completely bewildered and doesn't find anything and we can give up a shout of praise to God and go back to our real life.  Sadly I don't think that's going to happen - not because He can't but because I think we've started down a path that I don't think will be cut short. 

I hope all of this medical mumbo jumbo isn't too boring.  I thought it would be interesting to look back at and see when I thought this little pain medicine made me sick - how cute.  I'm going to try and upload a pic on here of the port.  They covered it with a heart shaped gauze and you can see it bleeding through, so I have a bleeding heart haha.  It doesn't hurt too bad, mostly like if you worked out your pecs really hard and the next day they are super sore.  Anyway, stay well and I'll talk again soon!


  1. Awesome that they gave you heart-shaped gauze! We are sending you, Danny, and the family our love and support from Baltimore.

    If you are interested in seeing what life with cancer can be, my father-in-law kept a blog when my 21-year old brother-in-law was diagnosed with a brain tumor in late 2010

    You (like him) are young, strong, and otherwise healthy. You can beat this. All my love, Carrie

  2. Praying the same thing for you!

  3. We've never met, I only know you through Danny. I can see that you're amazing, which I was pretty sure of anyhow, since you're Danny's bride :)
    I've been praying for you ever since your diagnosis. God is powerful, amazing, and love. May He be glorified in your life and in this situation. Prayers continuing daily, sweet girl <3

  4. you don't know me but I admire your openness and strength. stay posi. strangers are pulling for you.

  5. Naomi,
    You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. Remember that both Jim and I are here for you and Danny, and don't hesitate to call upon us. -Scott

  6. Hey Omers -- I sent you an email the other day, but I wanted to say one more thing since you mentioned your meds and being confused.....please use your old bud for any clarification you need. I didn't get this nursing degree for nothin'! Plus I'm in grad school now so that obviously means I'm crazy smart! LOL :-) I'll be happy to try to translate medical talk into English and hopefully help it make sense. I'll message you my number, which is still the same as it was in college. :-) Love you and praying for you, my dear.


  7. You don't know me either (and Danny only kind-of knows me, in a hyper-modern sort of way), but your courage is strong and it is clear that you and he are determined with the help of God, to send this cancer into oblivion. One day you'll be able to say (although maybe it will actually be Danny) "Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside."
