Thursday, April 26, 2012

My first radiation experience

Today I had my first serious radiation treatment.  It did not go as smoothly as planned.  Yesterday when I went in they asked me if I had had a pregnancy test lately.  I had gotten one done before my port was put in, just a week ago.  They said that would be fine and got all of the information to verify it.  They called me this morning at 11 (keep in mind my appointment is at 1:15pm and it takes me 45 minutes to drive there) to let me know that the pregnancy test didn't count because it wasn't a blood test and that I can not get my treatment today without getting a new one done.  They said I could pick up an order at the office for a "legit" pregnancy test.  So I get there as fast as I can to pick up the order.  The nurse tells me that I can get the test done anywhere but they likely won't get the test results back in time for my treatment today or tomorrow.  What!?  I'm mad because I had from last friday to this wednesday to take care of anything they needed me to take care of, but no one mentioned this pregnancy test to me until yesterday.  I try to make one serious objection to the nurse before I burst into tears (I'm miserable under pressure).  All I want is my leg to stop hurting.  And now she's telling me that I have to wait 5 more days before we can start making it better.  Some days, it's just too much for me to deal with gracefully.  Thankfully the tears softened her heart a bit and she called around the hospital to get me a pregnancy test done and faxed back to her only 10 minutes later than my originally scheduled appointment.  By the grace of God, I got my radiation today.  It was really quick and easy.  Of course they drew on me more so now my mid leg is mostly black permanent marker, but I don't care at all.  I'm just so thankful to finally be on that long road to relief and recovery.

Btw, last night I was driving home from work and realized I remembered that really awkward story I wrote out yesterday COMPLETELY WRONG.  Which of course makes it even more hilarious to me.  What really happened was I told everyone that we should yell victoriously for the picture.  I was thinking people would shout "yeas!" and "all rights!" and assume victorious stances.  Well everyone else heard me say to yell "victoriously" so in the picture people are either forming the word "victoriously?" or looking confused.  There you go, the record's been set straight.  What really matters about that day was that my team won anyway.  I found the video they made of the day and it's hilarious.  At 6:52 you can see the story I told in action.  Such a thrill.
Also, here is the victorious team!  I'm on the right with the fire in my eye.
Ok, enough of that.  It was just a really great day :)  Anyways, talk to you tomorrow!


  1. I'm so glad that you got radiation today! Victoriously!
    love you seester. xo

  2. Always remember that tears are your greatest asset. When I'm in a real pinch, they work for me every time.

    I'm so glad you got your first treatment!

  3. Victoriously is clearly a key word in your vocabulary Naomi! Love the photo! You have a "Popeye" look about you! Stay strong, as I know you will. I love you.
