Wednesday, May 9, 2012

New look

I continue to think about cutting my hair.  Just the other day I saw how many gray hairs have grown in since last year and realized it was about time to dye it again.  Then I remembered that it wouldn't really make a difference in a couple of weeks, which made me laugh to myself.  Saving money on hair dye, just another reason cancer is great.  :)  I am conflicted with what to do with my hair.  Originally I was just going to buzz cut it because I didn't want to watch it fall out in clumps.  Plus, I've heard from other cancer survivors and through my poison class that it actually hurts when the follicles fall out of the scalp.  The shorter the hair is, the less it hurts.  If I wasn't working, I think I would totally stick to this plan.  But, I don't really want to rock a buzz cut when I'm working as a manager.  If I'm greeting people or working with someone to resolve an issue, I want the attention to be on them, not me.  I think having such a radical hairstyle will confuse some.  I don't really want to walk around with scarves covering up my head either - it just doesn't jive with the Marriott image.  Also, losing long strands of hair near large plates of food doesn't seem to be the best idea.  I already have a ton of complaints to deal with, I don't want to create any more!  Now there will come a time when scarves and weird looks will be unavoidable, but in the beginning it may serve me better just to get a short pixie cut.  At least then people might think it was something I've chosen to do with my hair.  I'm thinking something like Ginnifer Goodwin's cut - you can check it out here: I know, it's pretty much a man's hair cut, but I still think it's a little bit better than a buzz.  What do you all think?

I got out from my hole tonight at work for about 2 hours to help in room service and the bar.  I'm trying to see if my leg can handle the extra movement.  I had a few pangs throughout the night, but all in all it was pretty successful.  I'm nervous to push too hard and be in pain again, but I also really want to be back as MOD.  I'll continue to monitor how the leg reacts.  If it's going to hurt, it will hurt tonight, probably right around the time I'll be wanting to fall asleep.  Awesome.  We'll see!


  1. Trisha has an awesome hat that I think would look awesome. I don't know if it is any more acceptable for work but you should ask her to show it to you.

    1. Just noticed I used awesome twice, that is how awesome it could be. :)

  2. I just plucked some grey's from Jeffy's head tonight... i call him my silver fox lol
    I think you would look so cute with ginnifer's cut! You can totally rock that! and remember what i wrote you about that stuff that you can take, it effects the mitochondria so that you are more likely to not have your hair fall out and it helps with nausea... it's worth mentioning to doc and see what they say.
    But any which way, even if you are buzzed, you are going to be beautiful Naomi.
    If i was MOD i would bring like 14 different wigs with me and change them through out the shift just to keep everyone on their toes. ;)

    I saw this blog that a photographer posted recently and i thought it really captured SO much of the emotions that this woman went through in her decision to buzz cut. I'll share just in case you are interested. Love you sister!

    1. I loved that blog you posted - it was perfect to look at and see that even though it was obviously emotional for Britni, she looked just as beautiful after it was over. Thank you sister. :)

  3. I am definitely a fan of the haircut and I think it would look great on you Naomi! So glad to hear you were able to be up and moving around at work a bit more. Hope you were still able to go to sleep without too much trouble.


    is this too long? it might be a good in-between look before the big plunge!

    have you looked into wigs? they can be very realistic, and therefore good for work.

    also, you could bic it and get a cool tattoo on your scalp.
