Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Back to normal. Kind-of.

I haven't written the past few days because I just feel so good.  I feel like myself.  I feel back to normal.  It's like the cancer doesn't even exist.  I haven't really given it much thought.  What an incredible blessing.  Danny and I spent the weekend going to the movies (The Avengers - SO MUCH FUN!), eating together, taking care of the cats, cleaning the house, entertaining guests, and just enjoying life together.  It's the first time in a long time I've had the motivation and desire to do much of anything.  I've also made a new friend this week and it's given me so much joy!  I'm so thankful that even in the most difficult of situations there is always potential for a gift to come out of the blue to make things just a little bit better.    

On Monday my boss asked me if I thought I could stand MOD on Friday.  What exactly is an MOD?  Well, the MOD (Manager On Duty) is the person that kind of takes over for the General Manager and Assistant General Manager when they go home for the evening.  If anyone in any area is upset about something after 5pm and asks to speak to the Manager, they'll talk to the MOD.  The MOD also has to be able to direct the staff in any type of emergency and help out in any area that is overwhelmed.  MOD is the job I was hired for and the job I've missed doing since being moved in the back to answer phones while on crutches.  Anyway, I might be back this week!  Very exciting!  I'm going to try and walk a little more every day this week to build up some endurance.  Being MOD is no joke and I don't want to wimp out in the middle of it.

Today marked the halfway point of my radiation.  My improvement continues to amaze me.  Thank you so much for the continued prayers, notes of encouragement, thoughts, and packages sent my way.  It makes such a huge difference.  I see so many people at radiation that aren't responding half as well as I am without half of the support.  Thank you thank you thank you.


  1. Oh, my goodness.... Naomi this post makes my heart sing! God is so GOOD, and you are so amazing! :) I love you.

  2. Good employers always place their best employees where they can have the greatest impact. You are employed by good people Naomi, and they clearly understand what they have in you.

  3. This is good news. so glad to hear that you spirits are high! Love you sissy. xoxo
