Thursday, May 3, 2012

I love my legs!

Today is my second day without any medication (except the largest Vitamin C pill known to man for this weird throat thing I'm getting) and my first full day without crutches.  IT FEELS AWESOME!  Just to be able to carry something in my hand and walk at the same time seems like the most liberating experience I've had in months!  I can't believe that it was only 2 weeks ago that I was popping up to 12 Ibuprofens, 4 Lortabs, and 2 nausea pills a day.  Seriously, radiation treatments have been nothing short of miraculous for me.  My leg has no pain the majority of the time and only has little stings when I stand in the same place for an extended period.  It has been very difficult throughout this to bend my knee at all and now I can bend it without pain a little past 90 degrees.  I know I'm not 100%, but holy cow, look how far I've come with just 6 treatments!!  I have 12 more to go and I will be thankful for every last one. 

I've had a busy day today and it has reminded me how inactive I've become since my leg has really started hurting.  I'm exhausted!  This morning my husband preached a sermon at his school for their chapel service.  He is currently in his third year of Seminary and is doing incredibly well (although he would never tell you that - he's the most humble person I know).  I've never been to one of their chapels and I rarely get to hear him preach, so I asked if I could tag along.  I almost ditched when I realized we would have to wake up at 8am to get there on time (we like to keep teenager hours in the Yencich home - get to sleep by 2am-ish, never wake up before 11am), but I somehow got myself in gear.  There was a pretty good crowd there and I'm almost positive that Danny made every single one of them tear up.  It was an incredibly moving sermon and it was beautifully delivered by my sweet husband that loves me so much.  It talks a lot about what his reaction to my cancer has been and how brutal that has been for his faith.  If you are interested in giving it a look-see, you can read it on his blog here:

Everyone that I met there was incredibly kind (of course I'm sure the moving sermon about my cancer softened them up a bit).  It's great to see Danny in his community of scholars and thriving there.  It's also nice to know that they are caring and supportive people too, even though they intimidate the hell out of me.  They'll say something like "hmmm.. this exegesis has so many ecclesiastical implications.  what do you think?" and I'm like "i like porridge".  I'm hoping they attribute my lack of depth to the cancer.  Hey!  That sounds like another benefit!  #14 (maybe?) You can blame every stupid thing you say to the stress of having cancer.  I met one of his professors who is a lymphoma survivor and talked a little bit.  He gave me some scary details about the chemo (like evidently the needle they use to put the poison in my port is like a big fishhook?  Excuse me?!) but it was nice to hear some real stories about cancer from someone who's been through it and come out the other side. 

Went home, took a little nap, Danny made us fish sandwiches, my friend Alison came over for a lunch date, I drove to radiation, talked to my mom on the phone a bit, and went to work.  On my break I took a slow and cautious stroll outside and around the hotel, just because I could.  The fullest and most wonderful day I've had in a while.


  1. Oh, come come now - you know no one at Emmanuel has put such an asinine question to you like that. You're being quite silly.

  2. Naomi has beautiful legs, and a beautiful sense of humor! Thank You God for these precious "steps" forward. I love you both.

  3. Just as a Vitamin C alternative....try Halls Defense....yes I know Halls are cough drops, but really. They taste like CANDY but are full of vitamin C. They are my church candy and I didn't get sick all winter.....CLEARLY because of the Halls Defense. They are in a green package...CANDY I tell you!

    1. I picked them up on the way home from work and have been munching on them all day! Thanks for the suggestion - feeling a bit better!

  4. Yep - eat as healthfully as you can. No doubt you are getting LOTS of this same kind of advice. But - honestly, truly, no foolin' - cut out sugar. Cancer LOVES sugar, and that stuff, albeit tasty and addicting, will cause more havoc with your system as you recover. (Grown up advice from a senior cititen, Aunt Barbara). Love you and praying for your TOTAL cure. Ahem! And you do have a scorchin' hot husband (my adorable nephew).

  5. Naomi, Please tell your husband I read his sermon and I thought it was excellent. Thank you.
