Thursday, June 21, 2012

Potentially not as devastating!

Yesterday I had my second chemo treatment.  The day started off with a bang - Danny and I woke up to the worst smell our nostrils have ever encountered.  Danny walked into the bathroom to find that one of our cats, Charlie, had pooped and peed on our bathmat while the other cat, Amos, had pooped in the CatGenie but we had mistakenly put in the wrong cleaning solution and the CatGenie proceeded to shred, re-wet, and bake the toxic smelling poop. throwing the odor into every particle of air throughout the entire house.  I had to brush my teeth on the porch, that's how bad it was.  SO frustrating, especially since we had just had the house thoroughly cleaned the day before and I was off to chemo.  Our pastor and good friend Jordan came over to take us to chemo and then spend the day with Danny until I was done.  We told him the wrong time so he showed up at 8am instead of 8:45am, about 2 minutes after Danny and I had rolled out of bed and cussed at the cats.  He also choose to spend his time waiting to go outside of the house.  Great start to a great day haha...

I was less apprehensive going to the appointment this time just because I knew what to expect.  Such a blessing.  I could enjoy time with Danny and Jordan while we stopped to pick up donuts, coffee, and a sandwich for later.  Last time I was too afraid to eat anything the morning of because I thought I would be throwing it up later in the day.  This time I know that the one thing that made me feel worse was not having enough in my stomach and not consistently flushing the system, so I've been trying to eat more.  We got to the Cancer Center at 9:15.  I got blood work done at 9:45.  We walked back to a room to speak with the doctor at 10.  We actually spoke to the doctor at 11.  The chemo started around 11:30 and finished up around 5.  Knowing that it would take a little while for the sickness to catch up with me, Danny and I got Jimmy Johns for dinner on the way home.  I started feeling a little sick around 8pm - just light headed, loss of energy, that sweeping overwhelming feeling that makes me tear up instantly, and this strange feeling like you could throw-up at any moment but you don't really feel sick.  That last bit I think is because of the anti-nausea medicine.  I slept very well and have just relaxing all day today, with only a few minor break downs.  I feel exponentially better today than I did at this time last round.  Don't get me wrong, I'm still pretty pathetic, but just having the motivation to write a blog post and be able to sit in front of the computer is testimony to how much better I feel as compared to last time.  All I can do is continue to pray that this round would roll over me gently.  

We have had more people stop by and deliver food to us this round, which I was a little nervous about.  Last round I just didn't eat much at all and really strong smelling food didn't help me feel any better.  However, my gorgeous friend Tiffany and a wonderful woman at church named Tommie brought us meals that are so good and so sensitive to my strange and specific diet at the moment.  It seems like it's easier to eat this round because I have a few more options to work with.  We are so blessed.  

In other news, Danny interviewed for a new job yesterday and he thinks it went well.  His current job is at the hospital and it is inconsistent at best.  We haven't been able to rely on it for steady income, which makes planning and budgeting difficult.  We are really excited about this job possibility - it would really help compensate for the income I've lost from not being able to work as much.  

Cheers to a potentially not as completely devastating round!             


  1. Praise God for an easier time this round! You continue to be in my prayers :)

  2. Yay! So glad this round of food is working out better so far--just keep me in the loop with what works and what doesn't and hopefully we'll get better food supplies each time. Glad you enjoyed the pasta today! Will be praying the job opportunity works out and that this truly will be a "not as completely devastating round" of chemo. Call me if you need anything friend.

  3. I'm so glad to hear you are feeling better! Praise God!

  4. My thanks and love to Tiffany and Tommie for their culinary support. Even when times are tough, experience is a wonderful thing. It's much easier to deal with things when you know what to expect. In this case, repetition may not make the heart grow fonder, but it will definitely make things more predictable and that's a good thing. Can't wait to see my S and DIL!

  5. Oh, Naomi, I loved your most recent entry.... especially the part about the cats and your pastor's timely arrival! lol Some day you and Danny will look back on that episode and have a good laugh. Thankful too, for your good friends supplying just the right nourishment for you. See you two tomorrow night. Praising God for all His goodness. :)

  6. That smell was awful. I've never retched-but-not-puked so hard in my life.

  7. I am praying for you, Naomi. Praising God that He enabled you to face this round with less fear and better expectations. Praying for a quick recovery from chemo and full, complete healing.
