Monday, June 18, 2012

Just call me Evie...

Life has definitely moved faster since I last wrote. I was right in thinking I was finally over the worst of it on my last post - my health has continued to improve and I am seriously in awe of how good I feel. There were little accomplishments every day - Friday (day 10) I drove to Target by myself on a mission to get Danny a present and it was the first time I felt good enough to leave the house on my own. On Saturday (day 11) I celebrated getting through a whole day of eating without having to run immediately to the bathroom afterward. On Sunday (day 12) I went to the track and actually ran a half mile (in embarrassingly short increments mind you, but whatever)!! That was the first time I had run since before November (which was when my leg tumors began fracturing my tibia from the inside). While on the track, I was completely overwhelmed with emotion and ended up tearing up in front of this kind ogre of a man that happened to be walking nearby. Haha, leave it to cancer to break down walls between people. :) I was just so thankful that I felt good and so amazed at my body - how extraordinary we are designed. I mean, I had just poured bags and bags full of poison into my body 12 days earlier! On Monday, I went back to work. I have been working every day since (except for a really nice break yesterday).  Of the past 7 days of work, my boss asked me to stand MOD on 5 of them!  It was a little overwhelming at first, going from zero exertion to 100% effort, but I got through it.  It felt so good to really feel like I was contributing again.  And everyone at work has been so kind to me, making me feel like I had really been missed while I was sick.

Last Thursday I woke up to a new surprise - my hair officially began to fall out and quickly. In the shower that day I washed my hair and every time I ran my fingers through it to rinse out the shampoo, I would come away with my hand covered with strands of hair. It didn't come out in clumps or sections, like I thought it might, its just seemed like random hairs all over my head decided to jump ship. It was like a bunch of lemmings - every time I would run my hand through my hair, more and more follicles decided to join their friends in the trash can.  I wanted to get all of the loose ones out so that they didn't just fall out on my shoulders or heaven forbid into someone's food, but after standing over a garbage can for 5 minutes straight pulling loads out I figured out that I would be bald before the night ended if I didn't stop.  The next day Danny and I went to Jane's beauty shop (a friend from church) and she buzzed it.  I was really concerned that my lack of hair would be a huge distraction at work that night and the guests would choke on their food and gawk at me as I passed by, but it turned out not to be a big deal.  I had brought a scarf in to cover up if I was feeling awkward, but I didn't end up using it.  I may wear scarves more when I am totally bald, but with half of my hair still in place and only a centimeter long, the scarves pull on my scalp and it makes them more of a nuisance than their worth.  Now that it's all said and done, I really don't mind my new look much at all.  It's weird when the wind blows and it feels like someone is pouring water on my head, but I'm sure it's something I'll get used to.
We are trying to gear up for the next round of chemo, which I'll be getting on Wednesday (only 2 days away now, poop on a stick).  I am hopeful that this time won't be as bad as last time since we are now armed with much more knowledge and experience.  I have a few new medicines that we think will prevent some of the symptoms from last round, I have a lounge chair on the porch to perch on for hours away from some of the nausea-inducing sounds and smells that live inside our house, and we are stocked up with high fiber wraps and shredded cheese for quick quesadillas.  Someone is supposed to come and clean the house tomorrow (hallelujah!) and I've already got The Glee Project in my Hulu queue to watch on Wednesday while I'm stuck in the depressing chemo ward.  Most importantly, this time I know that the pain WILL subside eventually and that I won't feel horrible forever.  That knowledge is absolutely priceless.  Danny's parents are coming to visit at the end of this week and we are both VERY excited to see them (even though that may not come across when they arrive because I'll be so drugged out).  Not the most thrilling of vacations for them, but it means the world to us.
I know I haven't been good about returning emails or sending thank yous to the many of you that have contacted us and encouraged us with your unfaltering support.  Please forgive me.  I have always been terrible at correspondence and the cancer hasn't seemed to make that any easier.  I am very very thankful for all of you that are choosing to walk with us through this.  The notes, emails, packages, texts, and calls mean more than you know.

Lastly (but not least!), a dear friend of mine from my old church in Asheville (shout out to my Breakthrough family!!) has created a line of very cute and well made products under her small business called Unique 31 that, if ordered, will directly profit us.  She has designed three different awesome hats, headbands, and flower clips especially for us that you can peruse in her online store here:  If you are interested in buying something, simply send Jen a message through Facebook and she will give you detailed instructions on how to complete the purchase.  Every little bit helps and we are completely humbled by Jen's offer to make these beautiful creations in an effort to support us.  If you have time, please go and look at the page to see if anything strikes your fancy!


  1. Naomi, it is so good to hear more about your journey, and that you have had such good days lately. I had a feeling that once you figured out this chemo thing, you would take it on with full force. Not surprising at all about your renewed energy, and oh your sense of gratitude for the little things. Love your decision about your hair, and you have these beautiful eyes and smile and win hearts over with them all the time I'm sure!!! You are so precious, and we can not wait to see you this week. We love you both so very much.

  2. I'm sure no one is making a big deal out of your new look because you look GORGEOUS! You have such a beautiful face and beautiful shaped head... it kind of works well! I hope that you are going to be more comfortable with all the changes that you've had to go through.
    Love you sissy!! xoxo
