Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I'm such a diva!

So today I had two exciting cancer related things happen!  I've been back at work since Sunday and doing well.  Today I went in for my Wednesday check-up, which is when I go into the cancer center and they draw blood to moniter how I'm doing in response to the chemo.  Last round I had totally normal blood levels the week after chemo but a slightly low white blood cell count two weeks after.  This round, again, a week after I had normal levels but today they were all over the place!  I don't know what any of the numbers mean, but evidentally while "normal" white blood cell levels are between 4.5-9 somethings, mine were at 1.3 somethings.  And that was one of 13 levels that were out of the normal range.  It's so weird because I feel totally fine.  So I had to get an injection today of Neupogen and return for two more over the next two days.  It's supposed to make my bones ache and give me flu-like symptons, so that's cool, but hopefully I won't have to postpone my (fingers crossed) last chemo treatment.  So far I still feel pretty good so maybe I'm one of the few who's body is so awesome that I don't get any of the side effects.  Of course, if my body was so awesome I probably wouldn't have such a low WBC.  Hmmm.  Let's not dwell...

After my slightly depressing visit to the cancer clinic, I went to the American Cancer Society for a wig.  Now I know what you're thinking - Naomi, I thought you were too good for a wig!  I thought you said wigs were lame and you were gonna let your few strands of hair flow freely in the wind for all to see!  Well no worries friends, I will continue to make other people awkward with my almost bald head the majority of the time.  (Just today a near stranger came up to me and poked the top of my head while saying "boop boop!"  Is that now a socially acceptable ice breaker?  Does that really communicate the love and support I would hope you would want to give a person going through cancer?  Makes me honestly laugh - people are so funny.)  However, I am banking on going to this CA wedding at the end of August and I feel like my bald head distracts from the totally gorgeous dress I'm going to be wearing.  Plus, I will have about 30000000000000 pictures taken on me on that day and it would be awesome to be able to look them without immediately thinking cancer.  So screw you cancer!  Come Sept. 1st, I'm gonna look more hot than pathetic! 

The wig I settled on looks pretty much like my hair (I think).  Dark brown, super straight, and long.  I think I love it.  It reminds me of how my hair looked on my wedding day, which makes me happy.  Plus, the wig can actually be styled if I want it to be, which is cool.  The wig style is "diva" - not kidding - so we'll see if I can live up to it haha.     


  1. Low WBC means you might be able to get an infection easier so make sure you wash your hands a ton and be safe sister! How were your platelets?

    You look beauuuutiful in your wig. But you look beautiful without it too. You Diva, you!

  2. Keep that incredible and wonderful sense of humor, smile and faith Naomi! Take extra good care of yourself. And, remember you are loved so very much.

  3. you have never NOT been a diva!
