Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I'm such a diva!

So today I had two exciting cancer related things happen!  I've been back at work since Sunday and doing well.  Today I went in for my Wednesday check-up, which is when I go into the cancer center and they draw blood to moniter how I'm doing in response to the chemo.  Last round I had totally normal blood levels the week after chemo but a slightly low white blood cell count two weeks after.  This round, again, a week after I had normal levels but today they were all over the place!  I don't know what any of the numbers mean, but evidentally while "normal" white blood cell levels are between 4.5-9 somethings, mine were at 1.3 somethings.  And that was one of 13 levels that were out of the normal range.  It's so weird because I feel totally fine.  So I had to get an injection today of Neupogen and return for two more over the next two days.  It's supposed to make my bones ache and give me flu-like symptons, so that's cool, but hopefully I won't have to postpone my (fingers crossed) last chemo treatment.  So far I still feel pretty good so maybe I'm one of the few who's body is so awesome that I don't get any of the side effects.  Of course, if my body was so awesome I probably wouldn't have such a low WBC.  Hmmm.  Let's not dwell...

After my slightly depressing visit to the cancer clinic, I went to the American Cancer Society for a wig.  Now I know what you're thinking - Naomi, I thought you were too good for a wig!  I thought you said wigs were lame and you were gonna let your few strands of hair flow freely in the wind for all to see!  Well no worries friends, I will continue to make other people awkward with my almost bald head the majority of the time.  (Just today a near stranger came up to me and poked the top of my head while saying "boop boop!"  Is that now a socially acceptable ice breaker?  Does that really communicate the love and support I would hope you would want to give a person going through cancer?  Makes me honestly laugh - people are so funny.)  However, I am banking on going to this CA wedding at the end of August and I feel like my bald head distracts from the totally gorgeous dress I'm going to be wearing.  Plus, I will have about 30000000000000 pictures taken on me on that day and it would be awesome to be able to look them without immediately thinking cancer.  So screw you cancer!  Come Sept. 1st, I'm gonna look more hot than pathetic! 

The wig I settled on looks pretty much like my hair (I think).  Dark brown, super straight, and long.  I think I love it.  It reminds me of how my hair looked on my wedding day, which makes me happy.  Plus, the wig can actually be styled if I want it to be, which is cool.  The wig style is "diva" - not kidding - so we'll see if I can live up to it haha.     

Thursday, July 19, 2012

I didn't have a heart attack!

Hey everyone :)  I know it's been a while.  To catch you up...  My second round of chemo went very well, all things considered.  My recovery time was much faster and my wonderful PILs (parents-in-law)  were here, taking care of me and helping Danny keep the house clean.  I went back to work soon after and worked really hard for about a week and a half over the 4th of July.  We had a huge kids baseball tournament in Kingsport and the majority of the teams were staying at my hotel, which lead to a few very chaotic evenings.  I had one day off and then I was back at the cancer center, getting my third treatment.  Before the treatment we got to talk to the doctor who confirmed that I will only have to get FOUR treatments before he will attempt to get my insurance to approve another PETscan.  If that scan comes back cancer free, then I will be done with the main portion of my chemotherapy.  This would be SO AMAZING - not only would I only have to get one more treatment but I would more than likely be well enough to travel for my brother's wedding at the end of August.  We are desperately hopeful.

The third treatment has been easier than the first, but more difficult than the second.  My mom came to stay with us for a week after treatment and it was so awesome to have her here.  However, I think I may have pushed myself a little too fast to get better simply because I wanted to enjoy time with my mom.  I've continued to feel headache-y, stomachache-y, and weak longer than I did the last time through.  And then yesterday, we had a little bit of a scare.  Since my mom had left on Tuesday morning, I had been feeling off again.  Nothing I could put my finger on, just not feeling good.  I was due to go in for my 8th day blood draw on Wednesday and about 15 minutes before I was going to get in the car, I stretched a little.  All of a sudden, the entire left side of my chest and left arm got very tight and my port felt like it was being crushed or something.  I couldn't shake or massage the tension out.  It was very scary - I've never felt anything like it before.  I got in the car and called Danny.  He ran out of school and met me at the cancer center.  On the trip over, my arm still hurt and my heart would intermittently get very tight and then slowly kind of echo out.  The nurses took me right back and did an EKG.  Everything in my heart looked fine.  After hours of this and that, we ended up at a hospital in Kingsport for an ultrasound of my left side to look for blood clots.  Nothing there either.  So now I'm back home relaxing, but we don't really know what happened.  We are cautious because my type of chemotherapy can easily damage the heart or create blood clots - our ultrasound tech took extra time and shared that she was actually surprised not to find any from hearing my symptoms and treating others on my type of chemo regime.  So we are thankful that everything appears ok, but still a little wary.  I'm just anxious to feel back to normal, which appears to be still a few days away.  To celebrate me not having a heart attack, Danny and I grabbed some dinner on the way home and got a picture.  You can see I still have on the hospital bracelet for added sympathy points.  ;)


Other than cancer, we do have some fun things going on.  I have decided to learn French to prepare for some possible adventures in the future.  I completely suck at it thus far.  Danny and I have learn to play the game Dominion, which we both love.  We are also currently going through How I Met Your Mother on Netflix and enjoying it.  My mom bought me the prettiest dress in all of America to wear to Jeff and Laura's wedding - it's like a cool sea foam green and it looks like I am one with the ocean.  Danny started his new job at school and so far it's going great.  Thank you all for continuing to support us in all of this!